Friday 3 June 2016

Teenage Schoolboy Lying In Coma After 'Happy Slapping' Attack By Teenage Bully Loses His Memory

A teenager was left in a coma and fighting for his life after a 'happy slapping' attack by a bully in a school corridor.
Tommy Allery, 13, was reportedly filmed by a gang as one of the thugs allegedly hit him in the back of the head before landing a devastating blow to his temple.

The schoolboy, who kept his hands in his pocket throughout the attack, then crashed to the floor as he suffered a seizure caused by a bleed on the brain, The Sun reports.

The group reportedly ran off while Tommy lay in the corridor waiting for an ambulance to arrive as the school reportedly deemed the case "non-urgent".

Harrowing photographs show him lying on a hospital bed covered in tubes and wires after surgeons desperately battled to save his life.

His family says he will never be able to drive, fly or play contact sports again after losing his short-term memory, which could take up to two years to return.

Tommy has also been fitted with a shunt that drains fluid from his brain, heart and stomach, which will be needed for the rest of his life and also requires physiotherapy every week.

His devastated mum, Clo Marques, told the newspaper: "I feel like I’m grieving for my son – I’m never going to get my Tommy back.

“I’ve got this new Tommy, but not my old one. I miss him so much.

Source ... ladun liadi

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